There are a lot of ways to lose weight; some are just more fun. Join the ultimate dance-fitness party that beats a boring old workout any day!
Instructor: Shannon Fauble
Zumba Basic 1 Licensed and Zumba Core Certified
To Learn More about Zumba: Go to
Zumba 2021-2022 Schedule
Zumba classes at MBA have been temporarily suspended at this time. Please check back here for more updates later!
Classes begin October 4, 2021
Schedule and Faculty subject to change based on enrollment.
What to Wear
Shoes: Zumba Fitness recommends that you wear cross training or aerobic style shoes. They provide the cushion and medial lateral support needed for side-to-side movements. They also have low traction rubber for easy sliding and turning. Please be careful with running shoes since they are designed for forward movements.
Clothes: Come dressed in comfortable fitness attire that’s easy to move in and can handle sweat. Don’t forget a towel and water bottle!
All dancewear and supplies are available at:
Kicks Dancewear, Inc.
2905 Breton Rd SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
(616) 776-5966
Quick Links
Parent/Participant Portal
Student Handbook
COVID-19 Policies and Response
School Calendar
Adult Movement Pricing
(2 people minimum)
For more enrollment information or questions contact:
Recreational Division Administrator
Michigan Ballet Academy
1595 Galbraith Ave. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546